As most of you know, our life has been a little crazy lately. Through this pregnancy, We have purchased a new home and have lived with both of our parents' for months at a time during the purchasing and "fixing up" of our new home. As much as appreciated all the support from our families, it was so nice to finally be in our new home about six weeks ago.
I have been a little anxious of things this time around, since we had to switch midwife practices and hospitals due to our insurance. The prenatal care we were getting has been great, but I was nervous about delivering in a regular hospital room with nurses that may or may not be supportive of a natural birth. My due date was March 3rd. March 5th was that big snow storm, so I was just praying the baby would hold off until after that! Early Wednesday, 1:30am-ish I started to get contractions. They got to be 4 in an hour right away...then a couple hours into it, they averaged about 10 minutes apart. I decided the best chance I had of having this baby naturally was staying at home to labor as long as possible. Byron was a great contraction timer with the help of the contraction timer app on his phone-ha. They stayed at 10 minutes apart all through the night-pretty exhausting! At this point we knew the baby was coming, so we called in the troops to watch the kids at about 6am. We stayed home and labored for a couple more hours, when all of sudden they changed to 5 minutes to 2 minutes very quickly. The contractions were so intense, I knew it was time to go. We got to the hospital by 8:30am. They totally skipped us out of triage and put us right into the delivery room. My midwife met us and checked me and I was already at 9cm! I was excited and scared at the same time. Could I really do this again? Never once did it cross my mind to take drugs for the pain, but it was so intense and I was tired, I really just wanted to quit at that point. My water didn't break yet and the nurses and midwife said they could break it for me. I asked them if that needed to be done to continue and they said 'no', so I decided to not have them do it. They broke my water with William and everything came on so much more intensely, and I lost my groove for a bit. I felt like I was in control (to an extent)and wanted to maintain that. When it was time to push my water still had not broken. There are very few instances where babies are born in a "caul" (with the bag still in tact). It is actually a sign of greatness. As I pushed, my water had still not broken and they could see the babies head with the bag still not broken. My midwife was there with her phone out for a picture, because that is something they see once in a lifetime I suppose (don't worry, she asked for my permission!) Just as the baby was pushed out, my water did end up breaking! It was almost a little disappointing, but I am glad it happened the way it did. Byron was really excited because he actually got to deliver our little girl this time! The midwives verbally assisted him and he did great. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Evelyn Marie was born at 10:23am, March 6th. 7lbs 12 oz, 20 1/2inches (my smallest baby yet). Apparently the nurses voted that we were their favorite labor ever. I was skeptical, but they were insistent. They don't see many natural births....and I guess my attitude was great-ha! If you know me well, you know that is humorous! God was so good to us and kept baby and mama safe. Thanks for all the prayers and support.
Many special thanks to our families who took shifts watching the boys while we were gone. It was great to come home to warm meal, stocked fridge and pantry, bathed children (one with a new haircut) and smiles on every one's faces. I am blessed beyond words.

The boys are absolutely in love with their sister and just can't get enough of her. Gideon loves to hold her and is instant on calling her "silly sally". She says she just doesn't look like an Evelyn...who is this kid? I wonder how long this will last! William loves to kiss her, but needs extreme supervision-ha! All I know is that they both are great big brothers already!
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