We got him this:
We thought we would stick with tradition and go to McDonald's Play Place for dinner. The eating part went great, but he definitely didn't like play part this time around. He totally freaked out in the tunnels and daddy had stick with him every crawl of the way. Let's just say it didn't last too long! Funny. Last year he had so much fun. FAIL!
Short video on the way to dinner:
Gideon and daddy
Happy at first...
Then freaked out. Can you tell he is hanging on Byron for dear life?
Sweaty and glad it was all over
After that we decided to stop by the library and check out the new remodle. He loved it there, but I forgot my camera in the car, so no pictures.
We ended the day playing with his cars and track a little more and now he is sound asleep.
Happy Birthday to my big boy-err "happy day" as you say! Love you more than you could possibly know. Thank you, Lord for our little one that proves to be more of a blessing each day.
Happy 2nd birthday Gideon!!! That road track set is so much fun - my kids have it to and they both play with it all the time.
Looks like he had fun. Check out this video about the cleanliness of those play places!
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