Our little boy turned 2 months old on Monday. He really is growing up so fast. He had his first church experience on Sunday. We were finally ready to take him. He did suprising well and only fussed a tiny bit when he got a little hungry. I hope no one was offended, but we just aren't ready to have people hold him yet with the flu season and all. He's not his fragile newborn self anymore. He has very strong neck control already. He spends good chunks of time playing with daddy and me-smiling and baby talking. He follows me or dad with his eyes and moves his head to see us if we're moving around or picking things up in the room. If he's in his swing he will be looking at us doing whatever it is we are doing. Although I feel bad sometimes about this, he does prefer us over other people. It's a great feeling to know your baby loves you. He is a lot less fussy than he used to be. If you can call it a schedule, he's been going to bed between 10-11pm and gives me chunks of sleep ranging from 3-5 hours a night (wide range, but so much better than the average 45 minute intervals he was giving me before). I really think the chiropractor is helping. He's such a happier and a more content baby. At 8 weeks he's already 14.5 pounds. He's growing out of all his newborn clothes and fitting into 6-9 month clothing. Crazy.

Speaking of clothes...Byron and I have been using a envelope/cash method of purchasing thin

gs since May. We are still working on using strictly cash for all of our everyday purchases, but we do make the exception here and there. Our Discover card gives us coupons every now and then. We received a few this week and among them was a Kohl's coupon for $10 off of a purchase of $10 or more if you use your Discover card. While we were Christmas shopping we found this cute outfit on sale (the only one of it's kind and in G's size). It was originally $26.00, but on sale for $10.40. With our coupon it cost us $0.43. Sweet dealio if you ask me. We had to use our credit card, but I really don't think we are going to have a problem paying off the 43 cents at the end of the month. Of course, Discover was hoping that we would use the coupon on a purchase much more than that, keep a balance on our credit card, rack up interest on the purchase and in the end make money on us, right? Do you think Discover will stop sending us these coupons?
His little face is so handsome! He really is looking older and not so newborn-ish anymore. It's neat to hear all the new things he's doing now.
I'm glad you're getting good chunks of sleep at night and that he's settling into a more predictable routine for night.
Although I feel bad sometimes about this, he does prefer us over other people.
That's wonderful! (that he prefers you over others) and you should never feel bad about it - it's so important for a baby to form a strong primary attachment to his mother and father for long-term emotional health and development. He's showing that he's definitely got that going on : ).
That outfit you got for him is so cute!
What a cute little chunker! Abby didn't weigh 15 lbs until she was 9 months! :)
Have you checked out Goodwill for children's clothes yet?? I've picked up things at Goodwill and Salvation Army. Good stuff... just needs a decent wash. Children grow out of clothes so fast. And little Gideon here is growing like a weed! I can't believe he's wearing 6-9 month sizes already. Slow down, G!
I like his robot PJs. Cute, cute.
See you soon.
Thanks everyone :)
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