It seems like after those long sick days during my first trimester ended, these past months have been flying by! I'm already into my 7th month of the pregnancy-26 weeks! I just had and appointment with my midwife last week. I had to take my gestational diabetes test (the orange stuff I had to drink wasn't all that bad). My midwife called me on Friday and told me my glucose looks good. Yay! She did say that my hemoglobin was low and I'm border line anemic and I need to go on an iron supplement. That's probably why I've been so exhausted lately. I am weighing in at 140lbs. Right on track. That's 20lbs more than my body is used to carrying around, so it's getting harder and harder to do everyday things as efficiently as I used to. Baby's heartbeat is strong and he/she moves around often. Our Bradley class is going well. I really feel like the more I learn, the more my fear of the whole birth thing is going away. I really like how this whole pregnancy is bringing my husband and I even closer than we already are. It's such a fun time! I'm feeling sooooo heavy these days. There is really no doubt that I look pregnant. I have to post a belly shot soon! We went to my Aunt's for the 4th of July and went swimming in their pool after the rain had stopped. B pulled me around as I held on to a floating device. It felt soooo good to have all that weight lifted off of me. I hope to spend more time in the water this summer!
I'm glad to hear you're feeling less fearful about birth - knowing what exactly happens makes it a lot easier to go into. I totally agree about it bringing a couple closer together, I look back at my births (especially Geneva's since it's fresher in my mind) and how Nick supported me and helped me and how he knew what was going on was so bonding between us.
Do you ahve a link for watching BUsiness of Being Born online? A friend wants to watch it.
Byron is the one who found it that documentary online to watch. I'll email you the link tonight after ask him when he gets home.
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