We went to our favorite place for dinner, Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano. We don't go there often, so it was a wonderful treat. It really is one of the best places around to get good Italian food. I had an Alfredo pasta dish and Byron tried swordfish for the first time.
We don't really buy each other gifts on our birthdays or holidays, but we do buy something we can both enjoy as an anniversary gift to ourselves. This year we purchased a Nintendo Wii. My husband has been joking around about getting a Wii for the past year, but after playing my Uncle's Wii we both agreed we should definitely get one.
We purchased the Wii fit as well. I know there are mixed reviews out there, but so far it's worked out pretty well. I really enjoy the fact that most of the time you are playing games that are actually exercises. So you get a workout while having fun at the same time (B likes that too). Although I think the Wii fit game is good, it could be better (like being able to create your own workout program or have ones already created instead of picking & choosing exercises during your workout) and more of a challenge in some areas. Jillian Michael's from Biggest Loser has a game that was recently released that looks more challenging. I'd like to get that one.
The house rule we made is that we have to do the Wii fit before we can play any games that day. It's worked out so far! This is definitely a motivator to workout-everyday!
We also purchased two games that we would individually enjoy. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-Him (He's really excited about this one) and Rayman's Raving Rabbids TV Party-Her. I just love this game. The "Rabbids" are cartoonie and very cute. It has a total of 50 games that are very well done and fun to play. My husband enjoys it too and it's multi-player so we can play together. If you get a wii or have one already, I HIGHLY recommend this game. My sister said it looks like a kid game, but it really is for everyone.

Fun stuff man, you will never be able to beat me in raving rabbits, ha ha! -Lor
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!!! That sounds like a delicious dinner.
We don't really buy each other gifts on our birthdays or holidays
We don't either! We'll get practical things or something we've been wnating 'for Christmas' or 'for birthday' but never something that we pick out, wrap up, and surprise the other person with. It really works well for us though, so it's nice to know we're not the only non-gifty couple.
We played that Rabbit game at Nick's parents' house over Christmas and it is totally crazy weird (but fun).
Happy wedding anniversary (again)!!! It looks like things are going well. :)
Brad and I don't give each other gifts either. Last year for our fifth anniversary, we went to an indie music concert at Ravinia Festival and packed a picnic dinner.
Lor-you're nuts and I love you...I think I am the Raving Rabbids champ, by the way.
Rach-People always give us weird looks when they ask me what I'm getting Byron for his b-day, Christmas, etc. and I say "we really don't do gifts." You're not the only ones! Yeah, that game is crazy weird (good choice of words), but it's a goody.
Leanne-I think I remember a blog post about your ann. last year. That's a nice thing to do. I like to go to concerts every once and a while (a lot when I was in high school & college), but B isn't that into music, so it doesn't really happen. He has gone to a few with me though. We do have plenty of other things that we like to do with each other, though :).
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