A blog about my faith, passion for cooking, gardening, and my little-big family.
Galations 2:20-21
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly." Galations 2:20-21
Monday, November 30, 2009
Life Update
Happy Thanksgiving everyone...okay...maybe a few days too late...
It's been a long few days. Our Thanksgiving festivities started on Wednesday. My husbands parents traditionally host a three day event. Extended family come in on Wednesday and stay until late on Friday. This year was a bit trickier with little man. We decided to spend Wednesday and Friday with my husband's side of the family and Thursday with mine. It was great to see everyone especially the family that we only get to see once or twice a year. It was a little different with the baby. Especially on Friday when he just seemed to want to eat all day long and was rather fussy. I think he may have been a little over-stimulated with all the driving around, getting passed around, and it was much louder than our quite home that he's used to.
Saturday I had a house full of my girlfriends that came over. A few were in who live out of town now, so we all got together. It was really nice to see and catch up with everyone. Boyfriends, engagements, careers, babies...we're all grown up now. I remember it like yesterday having sleep overs and talking about boys.
Sunday was a fantastic day. It was just me and my two favorite guys. I was a little stressed out at first because the house hadn't been cleaned due to the holiday and laundry was piled up. My husband was great and let me take a nap while he started on things. We finished up together. Gideon was such a good boy all day. We watched the Bears game (eeeh). We ordered one of my favorite pizzas for dinner, Pizza Hut (don't judge me) and got a great online deal. It was a good day.
Gideon is 7 weeks old today. I can't believe it. He's growing up so fast. He's already grown out of all of his 0-3 month clothing and turning into quite the chunker. He's smiling a lot more these days. Very responsive to me and daddy playing with him. He'll yell at me if I stop talking to him-funny. His top 3 activities right now are Eating, Shower Time with dad (he just loves this), and getting his diaper changed (he gets all smiley and laughs/"talks" to me while we get the job done). The poor kid still has his painful gas/bowl movements that wakes him up and keeps him fussy at times while he's awake. I've been taking him to the chiropractor regularly now and seems like it's starting to help some. Pray he starts to feel better soon. He really is a sweetie when he's not all uncomfortable. Right now he's snoring away, sleeping on my chest as I type. Couldn't have asked for a more precious boy.
Oh, and for all my FVC family, don't worry. We'll finally be attending church this coming Sunday, so you'll get to meet our little guy :)
Blessing to all. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Within the past few years my mother and two of my sisters have become gluten intolerant (or at least now they know why they have been feeling so lowsy all these years). BOO. Being part of an Italian family that eats a LOT of pasta...this has been no picnic for them. Although, it seems that there are a lot more gluten-free pastas out there now that are reasonably prices and are tolerable to the taste buds. My sister is turning 18 in a couple of days. Not only does she have an allergy to gluten, but also to dairy. What a rough combo. This is a rather recent discovery for her. I'd really love to make her a gluten-free/dairy free dessert or birthday cake, but am having a hard time finding something that doesn't require obscure ingredients that may be hard to find at the grocery store or that are just too expensive to justify the purchase. Anyone out there have any suggestions or recipes to share? Thanks....
Monday, November 9, 2009
One Month Old
I can't believe our baby boy is already 1 month old today! He's already grown 2 inches and gained a wopping 3lbs! Here are some more pictures and a couple short videos.
He's so peaceful when he sleeps
Out for our first walk!
Byron calls this his "jail-bird" look
Cute shirt from Uncle Brad and Aunt Leanne w/ his matching cute cloth diaper cover
Daddy Time