There are some women in my life that I have to recognize. Last Sunday the women in our Bible study group and some other important women in my life threw us a baby shower. It was so beautiful and such a special day. They really put a lot of thought into it. Everything from my favorite candy to the "table cloths" (they were pieces of fabric that I could take home for baby sewing projects). The devotion was beautiful and the games were silly. We also received some great gifts for baby and are just putting the finishing touches on baby's room. Thanks for such a special day Jeanie, Deb, Patty, Beatriz, Julianne, Cathy, and Libbie. The Lord has truly blessed us with you in our lives.
Me & B before everyone arrived.
30 weeks pregnant here.
Awesome cake my cousin made for us!
Thanks Alex! It was yummy.

Notice the center pieces/prizes and handmade pretzel party favors. So pretty and tasty!

Also, if you have any other pictures from the shower please email them to me! Thanks!