Since very early on in my pregnancy I have been trying everything and anything to ease the morning sickness. Every day I get through I thank the Lord for bringing me one day closer to the end of all this. I've searched the internet and talked to friends and family about what worked for them. Here are some things that HAVE and have NOT worked for me..
Crackers: This is the most common food people have told me eat right before I get out of bed in the morning and snack on throughout the day. NOT for me. I am so thirsty in the morning. The last thing I want to eat is a dry and salty cracker. Also, I'm not really a cracker eater and trying something I already don't really like is out of the question.
Cheese: I saw this one some website and thought I'd give it a try. I really like cheese. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I had a piece of string cheese for a snack yesterday and puked it up 10 minutes later. Oh, and FYI: cheese is one of the nastiest things to vomit up! Won't be trying that again.

Travel-Eze Wristbands: My mother-in-law purchased these for me with very good intentions. I gave them a good try, but I don't notice any difference in my symptoms. They say they are "one size fits all." For children and adults. But they are almost too small for me and I have really small wrists to begin with. After an hour or so of wearing them, they begin to itch really bad and cut off my blood circulation. Thanks for the thought, Deb. I gave them a good go at it!
Pickles: I'm not trying this one again. The funny thing is that after I got enough courage to eat one, I ate 3 of them in one sitting. But the after effect was not pretty....
Now onto the things that
HAVE worked:
Sleep: The more I sleep the better I feel. Plain and simple. I notice if I don't get proper rest, I have a really bad day. The nausea is really bad and the vomiting is worse.
Gatoraid: The blue flavor. I am addicted to this stuff. It's been hard for me to drink enough water, so this is really helping me stay hydrated and the extra electrolytes help as well.
Popsicles: These are literally like a drug for me. Any flavor but grape, please. Any time the nausea is way too much to bare, I grab a popsicle and I feel instantly relieved....until the popsicle is gone, that is. I could really eat a whole box in a day if i didn't have any self-control.

Vitamin B6: At first I didn't think this one was helping, but after doing some research I cut down on my dosage and find that is helping a little after all.
Food I can handle: Bagels, Toast, Toaster Streudals, Honey Nut Cheerios, FiberOne Honey Nut cereal, Jello, sometimes a light soup like Mrs. Grass, Pringles potato chips.
Boiron Homeopathic Medicine: My midwife turned me onto this. They come in little chapstick looking containers. They are little white pellets that you dissolve in your mouth 3

times a day. They have all different kinds, but one that she recommended for me is ipecacuanha. It helps with nausea, vomiting and hypersalivation. That's a pregnant woman! They have actually been working pretty well. The only downside is that it's about $8 for 5 days worth. Whole Foods sells them and there was a store right by the office, so that was convenient.
Weird foods I sometimes have the craving for that I wouldn't think women with morning sickness would even desire: Taco Bell....cheesy gordita crunch, plain chicken taco with loads of hot sauce....Taco lunchables...Chili's queso dip and chips.